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Ekvador bölgesinde yapılacak benzersiz şeyler

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Ekvador yakınındaki tüm faaliyetler

Street Art Walking Tour La Floresta
We take you away from the tourist traps and make you experience hidden graffiti hotspots from a local perspective. La floresta is well known as the trendy and hipster neighborhood of Quito. Its a place that gathers a lot of startups, small producers and of course artists.
Guilty pleasures, food tour
EVERYTHING IS INCLUDED ON THE TOUR: FOOD, DRINKS, ENTRANCES FEE TO HISTORICAL PLACES. It will be pure excitement exploring the city, in the most tasteful and informative way! Enjoy gems such as: quimbolitos, fresh juices, empanadas, fine aroma chocolate, traditional "dulces". This unforgettable experience includes sampling local Ecuadorian food while uncovering the rich, vibrant stories attached to the historical sites of Quito. We will get a taste of local life, during our journey, we will go to: Four food stops (sample tasting is included in the tour price): dark chocolate, tons of native Ecuadorian fruits (you will be surprised), "envueltos" (tamales, humitas), Colonial candies, "mistelas", local drinks and more Andean cuisine. Enjoy the tour while talking about Ecuatorian culture and geography from a food perspective. COMIDA Y BEBIDAS INCLUIDAS Caminaremos en las antiguas calles del centro colonial, y visitaremos lugares que cuentan secretos e historias a través de la comida. Probablemente nunca habrás probado muchas de las cosas que están en el menú que he escogido especialmente para esta aventura. Probaremos comida de los andes, recetas de la época colonial, dulces, bebidas increíbles y visitas a lugares históricos. De turismo en Ecuador? Vamos a descubrir y disfrutar esta pequeña ciudad!
Cooking class with locals
The Ecuadorian cuisine and it's many different flavors and mix of ingredients is the main reason we have opted to offer you a great learning experience. Although its gastronomy is considered to be one of the most forgotten of South America the country has nothing to envy Peru which one of the most recognized cuisines in the world. Our first duty is to visit the "10 de Agosto" local market to handpick the ingredients that will be needed for our lunch. There's nothing better than handpicking ingredients which are commercialized by the local farmers and vendors of the region. This will give and added flavor to our home-cooked meal! We will now proceed to visit my welcoming home where we will meet my wife and begin our class. She will lead you step by step into making our meal. Whether it's a “locro de papas” a “seco de pollo” or any of the options we have, you will have the chance to learn about the local dishes and culture.
COTOPAXi volcano with horseback riding & hiking
If you are passing by this listing. Then you have just found the right person! 331 tours at this location done and counting up. If you could check any departure date that fits on your plans where to join others will be highly appreciate it. Due to the hard drive. We want to prioritize time and recourses. (Only if possible if not that's ok) We start at 7 am. We won't enter to the Cotopaxi national park using the regular way all travel companies do but we will do it on our way out in order to cover more space. Passing through 3 volcanoes PASOCHOA, RUMIÑAHUI and SINCHOLAGUA going through the real AVENUE OF THE VOLCANOES Driving around a beautiful agricultural area with amazing views until we get to the Park rangers North Control just before we arrive to our first part of the experience. The HORSEBACK RIDING will be inside the Cotopaxi national park all along the meadows and high grass hills. After this experience, we will drive for about half hour until the parking lot located on the 14800 feet or 4700 mts above sea level from where the hike to the BASE CAMP will start. After 50 minutes hike, we will get to our objective the base camp where we will enjoy a hot chocolate or coca tea to celebrate our summit. (If not interested on this hard hike experience, we can choose a soft option around LIMPIOPUNGO LAGOON down in the meadows area. We will start coming back to Quito.
Electronic underground night in Quito
Electronic underground night in Quito! We will start with a pre-party in a unique pub where we will have a few drinks and set ourselves with music referring to the night, whether minimal, techno or house. Then we will mobilise to the selected club at night and at the end it will be the option of the client to go to the after party or not
Foodie Tour in Quito
To eat with locals, in local places called "Huecas", good local food, to pay them straight for the food, it is the best way for me to show you my culture. (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME or you can check my vegetarian food experience in Airbnb at the bottom) This is "not one usual food tour", because my main goal is to allow visitors to immerse themselves in Quito´s life and it's local gastronomy. I find the best foodie spots in an awesome, Anthony Bourdain´s style walking tour. In our capital city of Quito, a Hueca stands for a boutique, frequently family-run eatery, which offers quality dishes and beverages, often with the unique twist of a secret family style. It’s a very vibrant part of Quito's culinary stage. I’m extending my heartfelt invitation for you to join us and sincerely hope you will find these special places to be irresistible. They offer a rich history and have fascinating stories to share. So... Ready to be one of us? In my point of view, if you are not clouse to the locals, You didn´t experience one culture... Remember that you have to pay for your food, but it's not even 10 extra dollars for everything. VEGETARIANS FOOD TOUR https://www.airbnb.com/book/experiences/create/4776200?experienceId=4776200&experienceListingAvailabilityId=93848213&locale=es-XL
QUITO -All Main Attractions
Hi! We are Jorge & Jose ¡We are doing a lot and you will never be rushed! Pick up and drop off from your location if applicable. ∆ MITAD DEL MUNDO ( equator line) Here, We will visit the real equator line. We will have here a very interesting museum guided tour for about 1 hour tour where you will get some interesting introduction tour our history and why this line is very representative to our country. ∆ TELEFÉRICO (CABLE CAR) We will ascend by cable car to the 13000 ft or 4000 mts and once there we will take a short walking to next stop. ∆ SWING IN THE CLOUDS Taking photos from this spot will be a highlight. ∆ BASILICA DEL VOTO NACIONAL We are climbing to the towers with amazing views inside the biggest neogothic church in south America. ∆ LUNCH A local Menu option will be provided during one of the stops. ∆ HISTORICAL DISTRICT Once here we will walk around some of the most beautiful areas around the old town of Quito Listed below: ∆ Independence square ∆ President's palace (outside) ∆ El Sagrario church (inside) ∆ La compañía church (outside) ∆ Central bank (outside) ∆ San Francisco Square & Church (inside) ∆ CHOCOLATE TASTING. We are having a taste of the best dark chocolate in the world. ∆ KEEP IN MIND THAT ∆ *Tickets NOT INCLUDED.
All the Culture and Architecture of Cuenca on Foot
This is what my city needs to offer. A walking tour where you are given with a brief historical description, including the art and what you need to know about its people. We will also see some of the most important landmarks and you will know where to shop for Panama hats, handcrafts, clothes and, finally, where to eat and or have a good coffee. Cuenca has it all! I am also an enthusiast photographer, I am always learning the new possibilities we get with the technology evolution and I enjoy to have a collection of unique photos I take when I travel. A few years ago, I worked for several months with a photographer from "The Hartford Current", a newspaper from Connecticut, USA. He taught me many things and, he told me that after having been to more than 100 countries, he sees that the light of Cuenca, because of its location, is unique, and it just makes photos look better. After he told me that, I have noticed how it is really special. Cuenca has a unique weather, and the light of the sun makes things and people photogenic. There are also many things going on and beautiful landmarks that help to get a great picture: a picture that tells you a story without words.
Vuela sobre el río Guayas y camina Guayaquil muy seguro
Al iniciar el tour por la mañana o por la tarde los veré en el punto de encuentro y de inmediato estaremos en el malecón 2000 de Guayaquil, ubicado a orillas del gran río Guayas y al pie del cerro Santa Ana. Haremos nuestra primera parada para tomar el transporte (teleférico) llamado la "aero via" que nos llevara por sobre el río Guayas con un recorrido y vista maravillosa por mas de 2 millas, hasta la parada en la ciudad de Durán a la otra orilla del río, donde tomaremos fotos de recuerdo y partiremos de regreso. Luego caminaremos 3 cuadras por el malecón 2000 hacia la salida que nos llevará a emblemática calle Panamá donde sus calles nos deleitarán con arte, visitaremos taller y boutique de artesanías La Tienda de emblemáticas diseñadoras Guayaquileñas en cuero, paja toquilla, joyas de oro y plata, luego tomarás hermosas postales fotográficas en la calle mientras caminamos apreciando la pintura en las altas paredes de las calles y las estatuas de bronce emblemáticas, luego caminaremos 3 cuadras mas hasta la calle principal de Guayaquil, Av 9 de Octubre, que la atraviesa desde el rio hasta su otro extremo en el estero salado, ahí es donde llegaremos al monumento histórico del encuentro de los Libertadores de América, Simón Bolivar y San Martín llamado la rotonda y disfrutaremos de un delicioso coco helado para sentarnos a disfrutar de la brisa fresca del río Guayas.
Conquista el volcán Imbabura y su verdadera cumbre
Los puedo alojar en mi Hostal Casa Aida (La Esperanza - Ibarra) o esperar en una camioneta doble cabina muy temprano en la mañana en el mismo lugar (También los puedo recoger donde estén). Luego de comenzaremos a caminar durante 5 Horas aprox. hasta la cumbre máxima (Al Sur) Realizaremos una parada antes si es necesario para comer algo adecuado. Pueden descansar un poco en la cumbre y hacer fotografía a gusto. Luego caminaremos de vuelta por 3 horas aprox por el mismo camino al lugar donde llega la camioneta y en 30 minutos estaremos de nuevo en el lugar donde los recogí. Las montañas de "Los Andes" son impredecibles si no vamos con un experto que conozca bien la zona. Les puedo ofrecer comida en mi Hostal y pueden utilizar las instalaciones hasta continuar su viaje.
Conéctate con la energía del coloso Chimborazo
Chimborazo mágico Visita en auto con guía de turismo al volcán Chimborazo, llegaremos hasta el segundo refugio y la laguna Cóndor Cocha a los 5100msnm, luego visitaremos la comunidad de La Moya para degustar un almuerzo típico delicioso, conoceremos el museo y observaremos a las hilanderas y bocinero.
Historic tour and chocolate tasting in a Colonial house
This experience is perfect for those who don't like the usual scripted, rushed, and expensive tours. Quito is bursting with stories, scandals, and drama, just like in soap operas. We'll dive into these stories as we walk through the city. We'll start at the Basilica del Voto Nacional, where you can enjoy a fantastic view of the city — a great place for a selfie or a new cover photo. I'll also share our first conspiracy theory here. Then, we'll head to Calle de las 7 Cruces and visit my family's house in the historic district, which has been in our family for nearly 300 years. You'll get to try some amazing chocolate and look around this old colonial house while I tell you about the city's food and architecture and share stories that have happened within these walls, including a real ghost story. Next, we'll go to Plaza Grande, or Freedom Square, where you'll learn about the revolutions that changed Latin America. Standing in the Colonial city center, you'll see the Spanish architectural influence and hear stories about romance, life lessons, and even some gossip about former presidents. Our last stop is La Compañía, or The Golden Church. Here, you'll be surrounded by incredible art and hear stories of miracles.
Haz chocolate y despierta tus sentidos
Transforma una semilla de cacao en la mejor aventura para tus cinco sentidos: <> Prepara chocolate de forma artesanal desde la semilla del cacao hasta el más delicioso chocolate 100%. Esto incluye: tostado de la semilla en un tiesto de barro, pelado de la semilla y molienda de la semilla en un tradicional molino de piedra. <> Cosecha frutas exóticas y diversas plantas medicinales directamente desde mi jardín y fusiónalas con el chocolate fresco para crear la mejor experiencia para tu paladar. Prepararemos chocolate que lo mezclaré con 7 sabores <> Disfruta de una relajante exfoliación de manos en una increíble chocoterapia, mientras te deleitas de un ancestral té de cacao tostado o una taza de chocolate caliente. <> Concluye tu gran experiencia brindando por la vida con un excepcional coctel de chocolate y frutas exóticas. En Ecuador amamos el cacao y todo el proceso que atraviesa para convertirse en el gran chocolate, de esta experiencia obtendrás los siguientes beneficios: - El cacao en todas sus presentaciones es alto en antioxidantes, alivia el estrés, disminuye los niveles de colesterol e incluso funciona como diurético. - Podrás disfrutar de una inmersión cultural con personas apasionadas por compartir lo mejor de sí mismas con los demás. ¡Estamos seguros de que es una experiencia inolvidable! *** Esta experiencia puede ser vegana o vegetariana a elección.
Cooking class at a Colonial House with a professional Chef
There's no better way to understand a culture than by cooking in a kitchen where the city's history and its people come together. You'll dive into the history of my family's home, which has been in our lineage for seven generations, while you learn to cook two quintessential dishes of Quiteño culture. These recipes have been passed down from my late grandfather and grandmother. We use only local and organic ingredients to support local businesses. You'll make Canelazo, a traditional beverage, without liquor, and empanadas de viento, which are fried dough pastries filled with cheese, both from scratch. While we wait for everything to cook, we'll also enjoy a chocolate tasting. Finally, you'll get to eat and drink what you've made while we share our culture. Note: If you are vegan or vegetarian, we will happily accommodate your dietary preferences by using alternative fillings for the empanadas and appropriate ingredients for the dough. Just let us know when you book your experience!
Personalized Surf Coaching & Trips - Surf in Montañita
Surf in iconic Montañita, Ecuador with native surf pro Ademar. Whether you’re new to surfing, honing your skills, or looking to discover the best local breaks, Ademar will tailor your experience so you have a chévere (awesome) time! An ISA (International Surf Association) certified surf coach with over 20 years experience, Ademar is exceptional at helping you progress in your surfing. He customizes each session to match your goals so you level up efficiently and have fun doing it! Experienced surfers like to surf with Ademar to learn the local breaks and go on surf excursions to chase the best conditions (typically from Ayampe to Salinas). Details: 90-minute private surf lesson (beginner and intermediate) For advanced lessons, surf excursions to beaches beyond Montañita, multi-day packs, and group pricing, please inquire. Reach out if you don't see a time that works well for you!* *Note: Ademar will only schedule a session with tide and ocean conditions that will enable you to succeed and enjoy your time in the water. **If you book beyond a few days out, the actual time of your surf coaching will be based on the tide and ocean conditions. ***Let us know if you'd like to add professional surf photography or any other services!
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