

文化藝術(Cultural Arts)

集集是一個位於山區、靠近濁水溪的小鎮,它的歷史可以追溯到清朝乾隆時期。當時,人們為了連接花蓮而開闢了八通關古道,也開始在這個地方開山撫番。後來,集集因為生產樟腦而繁榮起來,成為商貿集散地,並因此得名「集集」。日治時期,為了建設日月潭發電所,集集鐵路支線開通,也讓集集成為了重要的運輸樞紐,讓小鎮更加繁榮興盛,在這樣的背景下,有著獨特魅力和歷史文化價值。 Jiji is a small town nestled in the mountains near the Zhuoshui River, with a history dating back to the Qing Dynasty's Qianlong period. At that time, the Baguan Ancient Trail was developed to connect with Hualien, leading to the settlement and cultivation of this area. Subsequently, Jiji thrived as a trading hub due to the production of camphor, earning it the name "Jiji." During the Japanese colonial era, the Jiji railway branch line was established to facilitate the construction of the Sun Moon Lake hydroelectric power plant, transforming Jiji into a crucial transportation hub. This contributed to the town's prosperity, adding to its unique charm and historical and cultural significance.
開放時間:06:00~21:00 連絡電話:049-2762374 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮東昌巷4號 明新書院為古僕風貌的三合院建築物,座中為三開間正殿,三面有紅磚圍牆。在光緒初年由於開發中央山脈及樟業大興的影響,街肆繁榮,人文跡象呈活躍,於是士紳倡議建明新書院於柴橋庄。適逢光緒九年濁水溪氾濫流下甚多巨木,並利用從山內流出之木材籌建廟堂。神龕上主要奉祀文昌帝君神位,配祀有制字聖、紫陽夫子神位,大成至聖先師孔夫子神位。不論是神龕、懸匾、門廳、側廊均有對聯彰顯明新書院傳承儒學宗師的宏願。近年來結合節慶祭典辦民俗釆風、文化祭等系列,不僅俱藝文之功能且帶動地方產業文化與觀光。 書院正殿為講學所在,殿宇高聳,屋頂脊樑上以童子馭麒麟飾,栩栩如生,兩側置龍一對,花草、四腳綴飾,左右對稱,表情生動。 明新書院於民國七十四年奉內政部核定為三級古績,修護皆依古貌建材,日式風格,是日治史實的證明,然而其簡樸古拙的格局,是漢族移民屯居的精神所在。遊客來到集集,不妨來參拜明新書院,祈求文昌帝君和至聖先師的保佑。 Mingxin Academy is a traditional three-section courtyard building, featuring a central main hall surrounded by red brick walls on three sides. In the early years of the Guangxu era, spurred by the development of the Central Mountain Range and the thriving camphor industry, the streets thrived, and cultural activities flourished. In response, the gentry proposed the construction of Mingxin Academy in Chaibridge Village. In the ninth year of the Guangxu era, a flood in the Zhuoshui River brought down many giant trees, which were then used to construct the temple. The main deity enshrined in the shrine is Emperor Wen Chang, accompanied by the Sacred Engraver and Confucius. The inscriptions on the shrine, plaques, gate halls, and side corridors all reflect the lofty aspirations of Mingxin Academy in inheriting the teachings of Confucianism. In recent years, the academy has integrated folk customs, cultural festivals, and other events, serving not only artistic and cultural functions but also promoting local cultural industries and tourism. The main hall of the academy serves as the venue for lectures, boasting a tall and majestic structure. The roof ridge beams are adorned with depictions of a child riding a qilin, vividly portrayed. On both sides are pairs of dragons with floral and four-legged decorations, symmetrically arranged and full of lively expressions. In the year 1985 of the Common Era, Mingxin Academy was approved by the Ministry of the Interior as a third-level historical site. Its restoration adheres to the ancient style and materials, reflecting a Japanese architectural influence as evidence of historical facts during the Japanese rule. However, its simple and unadorned layout embodies the spirit of Han Chinese immigrants settling in the area. Visitors to Jiji are encouraged to visit Mingxin Academy, seeking the blessings of Emperor Wen Chang and the Sacred Teacher.
15 yerel halk öneriyor
Mingxin Akademisi
4 東昌巷
15 yerel halk öneriyor
開放時間:06:00~21:00 連絡電話:049-2762374 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮東昌巷4號 明新書院為古僕風貌的三合院建築物,座中為三開間正殿,三面有紅磚圍牆。在光緒初年由於開發中央山脈及樟業大興的影響,街肆繁榮,人文跡象呈活躍,於是士紳倡議建明新書院於柴橋庄。適逢光緒九年濁水溪氾濫流下甚多巨木,並利用從山內流出之木材籌建廟堂。神龕上主要奉祀文昌帝君神位,配祀有制字聖、紫陽夫子神位,大成至聖先師孔夫子神位。不論是神龕、懸匾、門廳、側廊均有對聯彰顯明新書院傳承儒學宗師的宏願。近年來結合節慶祭典辦民俗釆風、文化祭等系列,不僅俱藝文之功能且帶動地方產業文化與觀光。 書院正殿為講學所在,殿宇高聳,屋頂脊樑上以童子馭麒麟飾,栩栩如生,兩側置龍一對,花草、四腳綴飾,左右對稱,表情生動。 明新書院於民國七十四年奉內政部核定為三級古績,修護皆依古貌建材,日式風格,是日治史實的證明,然而其簡樸古拙的格局,是漢族移民屯居的精神所在。遊客來到集集,不妨來參拜明新書院,祈求文昌帝君和至聖先師的保佑。 Mingxin Academy is a traditional three-section courtyard building, featuring a central main hall surrounded by red brick walls on three sides. In the early years of the Guangxu era, spurred by the development of the Central Mountain Range and the thriving camphor industry, the streets thrived, and cultural activities flourished. In response, the gentry proposed the construction of Mingxin Academy in Chaibridge Village. In the ninth year of the Guangxu era, a flood in the Zhuoshui River brought down many giant trees, which were then used to construct the temple. The main deity enshrined in the shrine is Emperor Wen Chang, accompanied by the Sacred Engraver and Confucius. The inscriptions on the shrine, plaques, gate halls, and side corridors all reflect the lofty aspirations of Mingxin Academy in inheriting the teachings of Confucianism. In recent years, the academy has integrated folk customs, cultural festivals, and other events, serving not only artistic and cultural functions but also promoting local cultural industries and tourism. The main hall of the academy serves as the venue for lectures, boasting a tall and majestic structure. The roof ridge beams are adorned with depictions of a child riding a qilin, vividly portrayed. On both sides are pairs of dragons with floral and four-legged decorations, symmetrically arranged and full of lively expressions. In the year 1985 of the Common Era, Mingxin Academy was approved by the Ministry of the Interior as a third-level historical site. Its restoration adheres to the ancient style and materials, reflecting a Japanese architectural influence as evidence of historical facts during the Japanese rule. However, its simple and unadorned layout embodies the spirit of Han Chinese immigrants settling in the area. Visitors to Jiji are encouraged to visit Mingxin Academy, seeking the blessings of Emperor Wen Chang and the Sacred Teacher.
開放時間:請洽集集鎮公所 連絡電話:049-2761477 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮民生路57號 樟腦與蔗糖、茶葉並稱為清領時期台灣的三寶,集集街市最初的繁榮也與樟腦的開採息息相關。「出張」原是日語出差的意思,日治昭和年間,日本政府頒行樟腦專賣制度,於西元1898年(明治31年)在此設置專辦區域內樟腦採治及販賣業務的「集集樟腦出張所」。當時的樟腦製造主要「腦灶」方式用柴火蒸餾樟樹,所需時間約為24小時,冷卻後樟木蒸汽形成白色凝固腦沙與腦油,由挑夫送至出張所集中,再利用集集線運送至台北的總工廠精緻後才是最終成品。 國民政府遷台之後,樟腦產業轉趨沒落,樟腦出張所失去原有的功能,一度也曾是林務局的員工宿舍,至今已有一百多年歷史,也是目前台灣僅存的樟腦出張所,是極具歷史與文化價值的建築物。 樟腦出張所建築可分為三部分,分別是右側的辦公廳舍以及左側的宿舍或廳舍,均是傳統的木造日式建築。對稱而簡潔的正門入口,入口門廊「雨庇」,也就是亭式的入口建築,採木造屋頂雙柱建築。大門為雙開式大門,建築風格俐落、簡約,左側宿舍則是和式風格的廳舍。這幾棟建築都可以相互通連、串接,形成注重室內與室外空間連結的日式建築風格,構成簡潔、明亮、開放的空間特色。目前樟腦出張所由國有財產署委託集集鎮公所代管,公所將分階段持續爭取補助修復園區,並已將園區規劃為「集集文化產業園區」、不定期展演各式文化活動,並爭取藝術家進駐,以文化、藝術重新活化園區內涵與魅力。 Camphor, sugar, and tea were collectively known as the "Three Treasures" of Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty. The initial prosperity of Jiji Street Market was closely related to the extraction of camphor. The term "出張" originally meant business trips in Japanese. During the Japanese Showa era, the Japanese government implemented a monopoly system for camphor sales. In 1898 (Meiji 31), the "Jiji Camphor Business Trip Office" was established in this area to manage camphor extraction, treatment, and sales. At that time, camphor was primarily produced using a "stove" method, steaming camphor trees with firewood for approximately 24 hours. After cooling, the camphor steam solidified into white crystallized camphor sand and camphor oil. Workers transported them to the business trip office for consolidation before sending them via the Jiji Line to the main factory in Taipei for final refinement. After the Nationalist government relocated to Taiwan, the camphor industry declined, and the camphor business trip office lost its original function. It briefly served as dormitories for Forestry Bureau staff. With a history of over a hundred years, it is now the only remaining camphor business trip office in Taiwan, holding significant historical and cultural value. The architecture of the camphor business trip office can be divided into three parts: the office building on the right, and the dormitory or hall on the left, both of which are traditional wooden Japanese-style structures. The symmetrical and simple main entrance features a "rain shelter," a pavilion-style entrance structure with a wooden roof and double columns. The main door is a double-opening door, displaying a neat and minimalist architectural style. The left-side dormitory is a Japanese-style hall. These buildings are interconnected to form a Japanese architectural style that emphasizes the connection between indoor and outdoor spaces, creating a simple, bright, and open spatial characteristic. Currently, the camphor business trip office is managed by the Jiji Township Office on behalf of the National Property Administration. The office is actively seeking subsidies for the continuous restoration of the park. The park is planned as the "Jiji Cultural and Industrial Park," hosting various cultural events periodically. Efforts are made to attract artists to reside in the area, revitalizing the park with cultural and artistic elements.
開放時間:請洽集集鎮公所 連絡電話:049-2761477 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮民生路57號 樟腦與蔗糖、茶葉並稱為清領時期台灣的三寶,集集街市最初的繁榮也與樟腦的開採息息相關。「出張」原是日語出差的意思,日治昭和年間,日本政府頒行樟腦專賣制度,於西元1898年(明治31年)在此設置專辦區域內樟腦採治及販賣業務的「集集樟腦出張所」。當時的樟腦製造主要「腦灶」方式用柴火蒸餾樟樹,所需時間約為24小時,冷卻後樟木蒸汽形成白色凝固腦沙與腦油,由挑夫送至出張所集中,再利用集集線運送至台北的總工廠精緻後才是最終成品。 國民政府遷台之後,樟腦產業轉趨沒落,樟腦出張所失去原有的功能,一度也曾是林務局的員工宿舍,至今已有一百多年歷史,也是目前台灣僅存的樟腦出張所,是極具歷史與文化價值的建築物。 樟腦出張所建築可分為三部分,分別是右側的辦公廳舍以及左側的宿舍或廳舍,均是傳統的木造日式建築。對稱而簡潔的正門入口,入口門廊「雨庇」,也就是亭式的入口建築,採木造屋頂雙柱建築。大門為雙開式大門,建築風格俐落、簡約,左側宿舍則是和式風格的廳舍。這幾棟建築都可以相互通連、串接,形成注重室內與室外空間連結的日式建築風格,構成簡潔、明亮、開放的空間特色。目前樟腦出張所由國有財產署委託集集鎮公所代管,公所將分階段持續爭取補助修復園區,並已將園區規劃為「集集文化產業園區」、不定期展演各式文化活動,並爭取藝術家進駐,以文化、藝術重新活化園區內涵與魅力。 Camphor, sugar, and tea were collectively known as the "Three Treasures" of Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty. The initial prosperity of Jiji Street Market was closely related to the extraction of camphor. The term "出張" originally meant business trips in Japanese. During the Japanese Showa era, the Japanese government implemented a monopoly system for camphor sales. In 1898 (Meiji 31), the "Jiji Camphor Business Trip Office" was established in this area to manage camphor extraction, treatment, and sales. At that time, camphor was primarily produced using a "stove" method, steaming camphor trees with firewood for approximately 24 hours. After cooling, the camphor steam solidified into white crystallized camphor sand and camphor oil. Workers transported them to the business trip office for consolidation before sending them via the Jiji Line to the main factory in Taipei for final refinement. After the Nationalist government relocated to Taiwan, the camphor industry declined, and the camphor business trip office lost its original function. It briefly served as dormitories for Forestry Bureau staff. With a history of over a hundred years, it is now the only remaining camphor business trip office in Taiwan, holding significant historical and cultural value. The architecture of the camphor business trip office can be divided into three parts: the office building on the right, and the dormitory or hall on the left, both of which are traditional wooden Japanese-style structures. The symmetrical and simple main entrance features a "rain shelter," a pavilion-style entrance structure with a wooden roof and double columns. The main door is a double-opening door, displaying a neat and minimalist architectural style. The left-side dormitory is a Japanese-style hall. These buildings are interconnected to form a Japanese architectural style that emphasizes the connection between indoor and outdoor spaces, creating a simple, bright, and open spatial characteristic. Currently, the camphor business trip office is managed by the Jiji Township Office on behalf of the National Property Administration. The office is actively seeking subsidies for the continuous restoration of the park. The park is planned as the "Jiji Cultural and Industrial Park," hosting various cultural events periodically. Efforts are made to attract artists to reside in the area, revitalizing the park with cultural and artistic elements.
開放時間:09:00-12:00, 13:30-17:30 , 周四公休 連絡電話:049-2781130 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮楓林巷10號 添興窯位於美麗的集集綠色隧道旁,建於民國45年,是一座風格獨特且為台灣現存仍以產作為主的最老窯場,目前仍保留一座創窯。目前除仍持續發展陶藝產作,積極推展傳承工作外,更是積極且持續推動「集集鎮陶藝造鎮工作」,卓有成績。另外設有陶藝教室,歡迎遊客前來享受捏陶之樂。 The Tianxing Kiln is located next to the beautiful Jiji Green Tunnel, built in the year 1956. It is the oldest remaining kiln in Taiwan that still focuses on production, boasting a unique style. Currently, it retains an original kiln. In addition to continuously developing ceramic art creations and actively promoting heritage work, it is also actively driving the "Jiji Town Ceramic Art Industrialization Project" with notable success. There is also a pottery classroom, welcoming visitors to enjoy the pleasure of pottery making.
開放時間:09:00-12:00, 13:30-17:30 , 周四公休 連絡電話:049-2781130 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮楓林巷10號 添興窯位於美麗的集集綠色隧道旁,建於民國45年,是一座風格獨特且為台灣現存仍以產作為主的最老窯場,目前仍保留一座創窯。目前除仍持續發展陶藝產作,積極推展傳承工作外,更是積極且持續推動「集集鎮陶藝造鎮工作」,卓有成績。另外設有陶藝教室,歡迎遊客前來享受捏陶之樂。 The Tianxing Kiln is located next to the beautiful Jiji Green Tunnel, built in the year 1956. It is the oldest remaining kiln in Taiwan that still focuses on production, boasting a unique style. Currently, it retains an original kiln. In addition to continuously developing ceramic art creations and actively promoting heritage work, it is also actively driving the "Jiji Town Ceramic Art Industrialization Project" with notable success. There is also a pottery classroom, welcoming visitors to enjoy the pleasure of pottery making.
開放時間:24小時 連絡電話:049-2762034 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮攔河路2號 同治年間,日軍侵台,吳光亮受命籌劃開山撫番事宜,並親題於集集埔草嶺腳濁水溪畔巨石上,隨後並遣人入山探路,於光緒元年開闢了『八通關古道』,造福於後其精神之偉烈,開闢鴻荒碣紀實以足垂範千古。內政部指定此碣為國家一級古蹟,於2001年由經濟部水資源局補助,施設古蹟周邊環境整理、綠美化及改善排水設施。開闢鴻荒碣字體雄勁有力,饒富古意。前有集集大橋舊橋墩,後比鄰獅頭山,登山的遊客不妨在此停下腳步駐足欣賞緬懷先古。 During the Tongzhi era, which corresponds to the years 1862-1874 in the Gregorian calendar, Japanese forces invaded Taiwan. Wu Guangliang was assigned the task of planning and implementing initiatives to pacify the indigenous people in the mountains. He personally inscribed on a massive rock by the Zhuo Shui River at the foot of Caoling in Jiji Puzi, signifying the commencement of this endeavor. Subsequently, he dispatched individuals to explore and establish the "Eight Passes Ancient Trail" in the first year of Guangxu's reign. This monumental feat, dedicated to the welfare of future generations, is documented on the impressive Honghuang Jie stone inscription. The Ministry of the Interior designated this inscription as a national first-class historic site. In 2001, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Water Resources Agency, efforts were made to enhance the surroundings, beautify the landscape, and improve drainage facilities around the historic site. The characters of the Honghuang Jie inscription are bold and powerful, exuding a rich sense of antiquity. In front, there are remnants of the Jiji Bridge, and behind, the majestic Shitou Mountain stands. Tourists ascending the mountain are encouraged to pause here, appreciating and reflecting on the ancient past.
No. 2, Lanhe Rd, Jiji Township, Nantou County, Tayvan 552
開放時間:24小時 連絡電話:049-2762034 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮攔河路2號 同治年間,日軍侵台,吳光亮受命籌劃開山撫番事宜,並親題於集集埔草嶺腳濁水溪畔巨石上,隨後並遣人入山探路,於光緒元年開闢了『八通關古道』,造福於後其精神之偉烈,開闢鴻荒碣紀實以足垂範千古。內政部指定此碣為國家一級古蹟,於2001年由經濟部水資源局補助,施設古蹟周邊環境整理、綠美化及改善排水設施。開闢鴻荒碣字體雄勁有力,饒富古意。前有集集大橋舊橋墩,後比鄰獅頭山,登山的遊客不妨在此停下腳步駐足欣賞緬懷先古。 During the Tongzhi era, which corresponds to the years 1862-1874 in the Gregorian calendar, Japanese forces invaded Taiwan. Wu Guangliang was assigned the task of planning and implementing initiatives to pacify the indigenous people in the mountains. He personally inscribed on a massive rock by the Zhuo Shui River at the foot of Caoling in Jiji Puzi, signifying the commencement of this endeavor. Subsequently, he dispatched individuals to explore and establish the "Eight Passes Ancient Trail" in the first year of Guangxu's reign. This monumental feat, dedicated to the welfare of future generations, is documented on the impressive Honghuang Jie stone inscription. The Ministry of the Interior designated this inscription as a national first-class historic site. In 2001, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Water Resources Agency, efforts were made to enhance the surroundings, beautify the landscape, and improve drainage facilities around the historic site. The characters of the Honghuang Jie inscription are bold and powerful, exuding a rich sense of antiquity. In front, there are remnants of the Jiji Bridge, and behind, the majestic Shitou Mountain stands. Tourists ascending the mountain are encouraged to pause here, appreciating and reflecting on the ancient past.
開放時間:24小時 連絡電話:049-2762034 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮民生東路1號(東側小路) 「化及蠻貊碣」是一座位於集集鎮鄉間的石碣,長度為180公分,寬度則為48公分。從特生中心沿保育中心東側小路,車行約5~8分鐘即可抵達。光緒12年春天,「化及蠻貊」四字被題於巨石上,後人再用紅漆重繪。除了主文的四個大字外,碣上還清楚寫著:「欽命布政使銜署臺澎兵備道陳方伯撫番開墾處」,這表示碣是清領時期拓墾的佐證。儘管碣位於偏僻處且不太好找,但沿途的景色非常美麗,非常適合散步。遊客也可以順道前往明新書院,來一段文化之旅。 The Stone Tablet of Hua Ji and Man Mo" is a stone monument located in the rural area of Jiji Town. It has a length of 180 centimeters and a width of 48 centimeters. To reach it, drive along the small road on the east side of the Conservation Center from the Special Education Center, and you'll arrive in about 5 to 8 minutes. In the spring of 1886, the four characters "化及蠻貊" were inscribed on the giant rock and later repainted with red lacquer. In addition to the main four characters, the monument also clearly bears the inscription: "Commissioned by the Taiwan and Penghu Defense Commander Chen Fangbo, in charge of pacifying the indigenous people and opening up land for cultivation." This indicates that the monument serves as evidence of land development during the Qing Dynasty. Although the stone tablet is located in a remote and somewhat challenging-to-find location, the scenery along the way is exceptionally beautiful, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll. Visitors can also take the opportunity to visit the Mingxin Academy for a cultural excursion.
開放時間:24小時 連絡電話:049-2762034 聯絡地址:南投縣集集鎮民生東路1號(東側小路) 「化及蠻貊碣」是一座位於集集鎮鄉間的石碣,長度為180公分,寬度則為48公分。從特生中心沿保育中心東側小路,車行約5~8分鐘即可抵達。光緒12年春天,「化及蠻貊」四字被題於巨石上,後人再用紅漆重繪。除了主文的四個大字外,碣上還清楚寫著:「欽命布政使銜署臺澎兵備道陳方伯撫番開墾處」,這表示碣是清領時期拓墾的佐證。儘管碣位於偏僻處且不太好找,但沿途的景色非常美麗,非常適合散步。遊客也可以順道前往明新書院,來一段文化之旅。 The Stone Tablet of Hua Ji and Man Mo" is a stone monument located in the rural area of Jiji Town. It has a length of 180 centimeters and a width of 48 centimeters. To reach it, drive along the small road on the east side of the Conservation Center from the Special Education Center, and you'll arrive in about 5 to 8 minutes. In the spring of 1886, the four characters "化及蠻貊" were inscribed on the giant rock and later repainted with red lacquer. In addition to the main four characters, the monument also clearly bears the inscription: "Commissioned by the Taiwan and Penghu Defense Commander Chen Fangbo, in charge of pacifying the indigenous people and opening up land for cultivation." This indicates that the monument serves as evidence of land development during the Qing Dynasty. Although the stone tablet is located in a remote and somewhat challenging-to-find location, the scenery along the way is exceptionally beautiful, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll. Visitors can also take the opportunity to visit the Mingxin Academy for a cultural excursion.

觀光景點(Tourist attractions)

集集大山為集集鎮最高峰,海拔1,390公尺,山形高聳挺拔,猶如守護著集集小鎮的山神。向北延伸至九份二山,東與日月潭、水社大山相望,步道擁有充滿綠意盎然的孟宗竹林,聽著蟲鳴鳥叫,一步步登上山頂瞭望台,視野遼遠,可觀玉山山脈、中央山脈等名山,為台灣小百岳之一,名列第50。山頂有座紅白相間電視轉播發射塔,為辨識集集大山的地標。 The Jiji Great Mountain is the highest peak in Jiji Town, standing at an elevation of 1,390 meters. Its majestic silhouette resembles a guardian deity watching over the small town of Jiji. Extending northwards to Jiufen Ershan and facing east towards Sun Moon Lake and Shuisheshan, the mountain trails are surrounded by lush bamboo forests, resonating with the sounds of insects and birds. As you ascend step by step to the mountain's summit observation deck, the panoramic view extends far and wide, offering sights of famous mountain ranges such as Yushan and the Central Mountain Range. It is recognized as one of Taiwan's Minor Hundred Peaks, ranking 50th. At the mountain top, there stands a distinctive red and white television broadcasting and transmission tower, serving as a landmark for identifying Jiji Great Mountain.
集集大山為集集鎮最高峰,海拔1,390公尺,山形高聳挺拔,猶如守護著集集小鎮的山神。向北延伸至九份二山,東與日月潭、水社大山相望,步道擁有充滿綠意盎然的孟宗竹林,聽著蟲鳴鳥叫,一步步登上山頂瞭望台,視野遼遠,可觀玉山山脈、中央山脈等名山,為台灣小百岳之一,名列第50。山頂有座紅白相間電視轉播發射塔,為辨識集集大山的地標。 The Jiji Great Mountain is the highest peak in Jiji Town, standing at an elevation of 1,390 meters. Its majestic silhouette resembles a guardian deity watching over the small town of Jiji. Extending northwards to Jiufen Ershan and facing east towards Sun Moon Lake and Shuisheshan, the mountain trails are surrounded by lush bamboo forests, resonating with the sounds of insects and birds. As you ascend step by step to the mountain's summit observation deck, the panoramic view extends far and wide, offering sights of famous mountain ranges such as Yushan and the Central Mountain Range. It is recognized as one of Taiwan's Minor Hundred Peaks, ranking 50th. At the mountain top, there stands a distinctive red and white television broadcasting and transmission tower, serving as a landmark for identifying Jiji Great Mountain.
8 yerel halk öneriyor
Jiji Wuchang Tapınağı
181號 Bazhang St
8 yerel halk öneriyor
8 yerel halk öneriyor
8 yerel halk öneriyor
Jiji Giant Camphor
303 Chuzhong 1st St
6 yerel halk öneriyor
1號 Minsheng E Rd
6 yerel halk öneriyor
集集山蕉是日治時期專供日本天皇品嚐的「御用蕉」,也是集集最具代表的農特產品,為了讓這段榮耀的歷史能被了解,集元果2016年10月成立了以「香蕉」為主題的觀光工廠,適合親子同遊的空間設計,來此能親近大自然,享用美味的山蕉美食,還兼具了教育、知識、趣味的功能。 園區設施包括:親子DIY教室-可製作彩繪蕉苗、山蕉點心、蕉乳拓印;全台唯一的山蕉生態園區-70多種來自世界各國香蕉種苗;親子沙坑、球池、輕食區、文展區、互動式投影、農特產伴手禮。
8 yerel halk öneriyor
Jijibanana meyve gözlem merkezi
38號 大坪巷
8 yerel halk öneriyor
集集山蕉是日治時期專供日本天皇品嚐的「御用蕉」,也是集集最具代表的農特產品,為了讓這段榮耀的歷史能被了解,集元果2016年10月成立了以「香蕉」為主題的觀光工廠,適合親子同遊的空間設計,來此能親近大自然,享用美味的山蕉美食,還兼具了教育、知識、趣味的功能。 園區設施包括:親子DIY教室-可製作彩繪蕉苗、山蕉點心、蕉乳拓印;全台唯一的山蕉生態園區-70多種來自世界各國香蕉種苗;親子沙坑、球池、輕食區、文展區、互動式投影、農特產伴手禮。


7 yerel halk öneriyor
PxMart 全聯集集店
9-21、9-22號 Minsheng Rd
7 yerel halk öneriyor

Getting Around

24 yerel halk öneriyor
Jiji Train Station
24 yerel halk öneriyor

Parks & Nature

"軍史公園為九二一大地震後,本鎮積極推展觀光事業,經省政府及國防部等協助下成立。 園為南投縣首座並具規模展示國軍除役武器公園,園內有停放F104戰機、C119運輸機、戰車(M41、M18、M48)、海軍登陸艇、砲塔、桅桿、車葉、錨及各式山炮等,結合國防教育及觀光休閒為一體之主題公園。
7 yerel halk öneriyor
Junshi Parkı
Minquan Road
7 yerel halk öneriyor
"軍史公園為九二一大地震後,本鎮積極推展觀光事業,經省政府及國防部等協助下成立。 園為南投縣首座並具規模展示國軍除役武器公園,園內有停放F104戰機、C119運輸機、戰車(M41、M18、M48)、海軍登陸艇、砲塔、桅桿、車葉、錨及各式山炮等,結合國防教育及觀光休閒為一體之主題公園。


營業時間:11:00-14:00、17:00-21:00(週二公休) 店家電話:049-2762051。 南軒99炒翻天是一家平價份量足的熱炒店,店內環境乾淨明亮,點餐價位在99元到200元之間。這裡的菜色非常家常,口味也很不錯,非常適合家庭和朋友聚會,如果順路經過,不妨來嚐嚐看。
6 yerel halk öneriyor
200之2號 Minsheng Rd
6 yerel halk öneriyor
營業時間:11:00-14:00、17:00-21:00(週二公休) 店家電話:049-2762051。 南軒99炒翻天是一家平價份量足的熱炒店,店內環境乾淨明亮,點餐價位在99元到200元之間。這裡的菜色非常家常,口味也很不錯,非常適合家庭和朋友聚會,如果順路經過,不妨來嚐嚐看。
八張牛肉麵 營業時間:10:30–14:30、16:30–20:00(周日公休) 店家電話:049-2764539 集集小鎮有一家非常受歡迎的小吃店,叫做「八張牛肉麵」。這裡的紅燒牛肉湯頭配上軟爛的牛肉塊,非常好吃。店家環境衛生良好,且提供自助夾取的各式小菜,份量也很足。雖然位在小巷內有點隱密,但每到假日都有很多人來排隊。如果你來到集集,千萬別錯過這間好吃的小吃店!
9 yerel halk öneriyor
Ba Zhang Beef Noodle Restaurant
11號 Lane 291, Wenxin St
9 yerel halk öneriyor
八張牛肉麵 營業時間:10:30–14:30、16:30–20:00(周日公休) 店家電話:049-2764539 集集小鎮有一家非常受歡迎的小吃店,叫做「八張牛肉麵」。這裡的紅燒牛肉湯頭配上軟爛的牛肉塊,非常好吃。店家環境衛生良好,且提供自助夾取的各式小菜,份量也很足。雖然位在小巷內有點隱密,但每到假日都有很多人來排隊。如果你來到集集,千萬別錯過這間好吃的小吃店!
阿霞牛肉麵 營業時間:11:00–15:00(週六公休) 店家電話:049-2781320 阿霞牛肉麵位於龍泉車站和集集綠色隧道附近,是一家價格實惠、味道極好的小吃店。店面看起來簡單,但是店家所燉製的牛肉湯頭,以及軟嫩多汁的牛肉,都是經過長時間燉煮才能達到的口感和風味。此外,他們的滷味也非常豐富多樣,值得一試。所以,如果你在附近,別忘了來試試看阿霞牛肉麵和滷味小菜,絕對會讓你回味無窮。
9 yerel halk öneriyor
A Xia Beef Noodle Restaurant
24-7 龍泉巷
9 yerel halk öneriyor
阿霞牛肉麵 營業時間:11:00–15:00(週六公休) 店家電話:049-2781320 阿霞牛肉麵位於龍泉車站和集集綠色隧道附近,是一家價格實惠、味道極好的小吃店。店面看起來簡單,但是店家所燉製的牛肉湯頭,以及軟嫩多汁的牛肉,都是經過長時間燉煮才能達到的口感和風味。此外,他們的滷味也非常豐富多樣,值得一試。所以,如果你在附近,別忘了來試試看阿霞牛肉麵和滷味小菜,絕對會讓你回味無窮。
6 yerel halk öneriyor
150號 Minsheng Rd
6 yerel halk öneriyor
營業時間:15:00-19:00(週一二公休) 電話:0977219788 心太軟臭豆腐距離集集火車站只有190公尺,是來集集旅遊必吃的小吃之一。走到街口就能聞到濃濃的臭味,很容易就能找到它的位置,不用花太多心思。臭豆腐外皮酥脆,內裡軟嫩美味,泡菜的份量也十分大方。每吃一口臭豆腐都能吃到泡菜,讓人回味無窮。
8 Jiji St
營業時間:15:00-19:00(週一二公休) 電話:0977219788 心太軟臭豆腐距離集集火車站只有190公尺,是來集集旅遊必吃的小吃之一。走到街口就能聞到濃濃的臭味,很容易就能找到它的位置,不用花太多心思。臭豆腐外皮酥脆,內裡軟嫩美味,泡菜的份量也十分大方。每吃一口臭豆腐都能吃到泡菜,讓人回味無窮。
營業時間:14:30~19:30(週三公休) 電話:0915-161-801 集集的水里肉圓位於民生路市場內,生意非常好。店家還有準備大骨湯,一樣可以一圓兩吃。肉圓的外皮很Q軟有嚼勁,內餡是紮實帶甜度的豬肉,再淋上粉紅色的甜鹹醬汁,味道非常懷舊。到集集遊玩時,不妨來嚐嚐肉圓的美味!
6 yerel halk öneriyor
152號 Minsheng Rd
6 yerel halk öneriyor
營業時間:14:30~19:30(週三公休) 電話:0915-161-801 集集的水里肉圓位於民生路市場內,生意非常好。店家還有準備大骨湯,一樣可以一圓兩吃。肉圓的外皮很Q軟有嚼勁,內餡是紮實帶甜度的豬肉,再淋上粉紅色的甜鹹醬汁,味道非常懷舊。到集集遊玩時,不妨來嚐嚐肉圓的美味!
6 yerel halk öneriyor
150號 Minsheng Rd
6 yerel halk öneriyor
集集鎮集民街20號 營業時間:07:00~18:30(週六公休) 電話:0972-303015 集集車站附近的「無名麵店」是一家隱藏版的美食餐廳,雖然沒有招牌,但是從排隊人潮就可以看出它有多受歡迎。這裡賣的白麵價格親民又大碗,口感Q彈,搭配上香氣十足的滷肉醬汁和美味的滷味小菜,再來一碗份量十足且口感驚豔的餛飩湯,既能吃得飽又不怕花太多錢。
20號 Jimin St
集集鎮集民街20號 營業時間:07:00~18:30(週六公休) 電話:0972-303015 集集車站附近的「無名麵店」是一家隱藏版的美食餐廳,雖然沒有招牌,但是從排隊人潮就可以看出它有多受歡迎。這裡賣的白麵價格親民又大碗,口感Q彈,搭配上香氣十足的滷肉醬汁和美味的滷味小菜,再來一碗份量十足且口感驚豔的餛飩湯,既能吃得飽又不怕花太多錢。
營業時間:06:00~13:30、16:00–19:30(週二公休) 店家電話:049-2762647 集集石記米糕位於集集鎮民生路上,推薦他們的招牌米糕,是用清蒸的長糯米做成,再加上香菇瘦肉燥的澆頭,滷得鹹香入味。一碗米糕像滷肉飯,但飯卻是糯米,吃起來夠味卻不會油膩,再加上薄切醃漬小黃瓜的搭配,口感更加豐富。此外,乾麵也是值得一試的美食,麵條像意麵般細,搭配上辣油和加了豆芽菜和韭菜的份量十足,非常美味。
132號 Minsheng Road
營業時間:06:00~13:30、16:00–19:30(週二公休) 店家電話:049-2762647 集集石記米糕位於集集鎮民生路上,推薦他們的招牌米糕,是用清蒸的長糯米做成,再加上香菇瘦肉燥的澆頭,滷得鹹香入味。一碗米糕像滷肉飯,但飯卻是糯米,吃起來夠味卻不會油膩,再加上薄切醃漬小黃瓜的搭配,口感更加豐富。此外,乾麵也是值得一試的美食,麵條像意麵般細,搭配上辣油和加了豆芽菜和韭菜的份量十足,非常美味。
八張五大牛肉麵 營業時間:11:00 - 1700(星期一公休) 電話:049-2761993 五大牛肉麵是一家位於民生路全聯旁的牛肉麵小吃店,非常好找。他們的菜單簡單易懂,價格也很實惠。尤其是他們的小菜,非常好吃,味道不會太鹹,而且價格也不貴。總體來說,五大牛肉麵是一個不錯的選擇,他們的紅燒牛肉湯比一般的鹹味稍微淡一些,還帶有淡淡的中藥香味,味道很順口不會膩。如果來到集集,不一定要去名店,嘗試不同的口味也是一種不同的體驗。
Ba Zhang Wuda Beef Noodle Restaurant
八張五大牛肉麵 營業時間:11:00 - 1700(星期一公休) 電話:049-2761993 五大牛肉麵是一家位於民生路全聯旁的牛肉麵小吃店,非常好找。他們的菜單簡單易懂,價格也很實惠。尤其是他們的小菜,非常好吃,味道不會太鹹,而且價格也不貴。總體來說,五大牛肉麵是一個不錯的選擇,他們的紅燒牛肉湯比一般的鹹味稍微淡一些,還帶有淡淡的中藥香味,味道很順口不會膩。如果來到集集,不一定要去名店,嘗試不同的口味也是一種不同的體驗。
集集蜜酥花枝 營業時間:六、日 11:30–18:00 電話:0955-090016 位於集集車站前的「集集蜜酥花枝」是一家非常受歡迎的炸物攤,總是有長長的人龍在排隊。他們的花枝和肉塊都剛炸好,看到就想試吃。它們高評價是有原因的!這些花枝又Q又多汁,即使炸得香脆,仍然保持了新鮮的口感。如果你來集集旅遊,不要錯過這家店!
集集蜜酥花枝 營業時間:六、日 11:30–18:00 電話:0955-090016 位於集集車站前的「集集蜜酥花枝」是一家非常受歡迎的炸物攤,總是有長長的人龍在排隊。他們的花枝和肉塊都剛炸好,看到就想試吃。它們高評價是有原因的!這些花枝又Q又多汁,即使炸得香脆,仍然保持了新鮮的口感。如果你來集集旅遊,不要錯過這家店!
Scoop 冰淇淋店 營業時間:09:00–18:30(週三休息) 電話:049-2761798 Scoop冰淇淋是一家使用在地新鮮食材,純手工製作,並且不添加人工色素和香料的冰淇淋店。他們的冰淇淋口感綿密香甜,不會太甜膩,而且份量十足。店裡有多種口味可以選擇,推薦試試網友最喜愛的「龍眼蜜口味」,讓您在集集旅遊中享受美味的冰淇淋!
Scoop 冰淇淋店
Scoop 冰淇淋店 營業時間:09:00–18:30(週三休息) 電話:049-2761798 Scoop冰淇淋是一家使用在地新鮮食材,純手工製作,並且不添加人工色素和香料的冰淇淋店。他們的冰淇淋口感綿密香甜,不會太甜膩,而且份量十足。店裡有多種口味可以選擇,推薦試試網友最喜愛的「龍眼蜜口味」,讓您在集集旅遊中享受美味的冰淇淋!
營業時間:09:00–18:00、假日08:30–19:00 電話:0988-913898 一億香蕉冰淇淋店位於集集車站前,招牌顯眼的黃色非常吸引人,店裡販售著令人垂涎欲滴的香蕉冰淇淋。這種冰淇淋非常香綿,而且口感豐富,吃得到香蕉的天然香氣和甜味。你還可以選擇甜蜜清爽的蜂蜜口味。店內還有手工製作的脆皮甜筒,非常酥脆好吃,可以吃到用心製作的美味。如果你想帶一些伴手禮回家,店內的山蕉蛋捲也是非常受歡迎的選擇。
營業時間:09:00–18:00、假日08:30–19:00 電話:0988-913898 一億香蕉冰淇淋店位於集集車站前,招牌顯眼的黃色非常吸引人,店裡販售著令人垂涎欲滴的香蕉冰淇淋。這種冰淇淋非常香綿,而且口感豐富,吃得到香蕉的天然香氣和甜味。你還可以選擇甜蜜清爽的蜂蜜口味。店內還有手工製作的脆皮甜筒,非常酥脆好吃,可以吃到用心製作的美味。如果你想帶一些伴手禮回家,店內的山蕉蛋捲也是非常受歡迎的選擇。